Monday, June 16, 2014

Before the Heat Chases Me Inside

Note to self...think about the reflection in the front door when taking photos.  But these are my new urns, courtesy of the antique store on Salem Street.  Mind you they've already been moved around a bit, but still...quite pleased with these.

This photo was taken as I stepped out the door onto our second floor deck.  Those 2 crepe myrtle trees were purchased a couple of years ago at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Use Center for just $3 each.  Can you believe it?  And now they reach beyond the deck, offering us privacy while shading the patio below.  But I actually wanted you to notice my asparagus fern, which pretty much blends right in to the background.

Like my two little lanterns?  They hold suspended tea light candles, and when lit at night, the holes create patterns of light that's just very subdued yet striking.

All these lovely plants were purchased at the farmers market a few weeks back.  Just love the mix of colors, textures & heights.

Another fern, plus more potted plants.  The large one in the corner was from the market, but the 2 smaller ones were planted my me, with plants purchased at the Apex Wal-Mart, if you can believe it.

And the pot on the left with all the broken pottery affixed to the terra cotta was done by me and the hubby a few years ago.  We have tons of broken crockery in the basement and need to do more.

And yes, I need to put the cushions back on the furniture when taking photos of the back deck.  Duly noted.

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