Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy B-Day to the Men in My Life!

Today we're celebrating not one, but two son and my husband. What are the chances of that?
When I met my husband 11 years ago it was the day after Thanksgiving and his birthday was just days away. When I discovered it fell on the same day as my son's, it was quite a surprise.

It's hard to imagine that I have a grown son. I can remember the night he was born as if it were yesterday. It was my mother-in-law's birthday (what a coincidence!) and we'd invited her over for dinner. My husband was a policeman, working the 11pm to 7am shift, so he was dozing in the chair while I began to tidy up the kitchen. I'd been having pains all day but didn't realize it was the beginnings of labor. So when my mother-in-law saw me come check his watch more than once the gig was up! She made us say goodnight and rush her home because she wanted that baby born on her birthday.
And sure enough, at 10:36pm, he arrived, within an hour of our arrival at the hospital. The nurses were terrified that he'd get here before my doctor but we all made it.
It's fun to think back on all the cakes and all the parties. Birthdays are wonderful, aren't they?
I'm sending out big wishes to both my guys, with many more celebrations to come.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that Clayton and your son had the same birthday. That must have been a sign of some sort...Planets aligning, etc.


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